Ministry Philosophy
In summary, this is our stand and convictions that guide us on how we function as a local church ministry.
View of Sin
As GCBC Kenya, we believe that man is totally depraved and there is nothing good or righteous that comes out of him. Man is wicked and self-centered separated from the Holy God. For that matter, he cannot save himself, therefore, in need of a savior
(Romans 3:10-23).
View of Satan
Satan is an enemy of God and His Church. His schemes are designed to distract and negatively influence people to distrust and resist the Lord. Satan is the father of lies who engages himself in false doctrine and deceives God’s people through lies.
View of the Church
The Church, God’s people in this present age, is a New Testament concept and exists to worship and glorify God by making disciples throughout the world.. The Church also exists as an agent of truth (God’s Word) for the building up of its members for the purpose of love and unity in the church.. As the Church reflects the character of God, it is a “light” to the unbelieving world. (Ephesians 4:12-16; Matthew 5:13-16).
View of Ministry faithfulness
God’s word is above culture and therefore cannot be bound by any cultural practices around the world. Ministry requires faith and total patience. This is so because the ministry has been entrusted to us by God, and it belongs to God. We are just but stewards. So, we need to be people of faith and patience as we minister to the flock of God. We also need not be in a hurry for the numerical growth of membership, it is God’s work and it is His duty to grow His church. Our duty is to equip members for ministry, teaching the sound doctrine of the scripture, and being faithful to the word of God. As a ministry, we have a high view of God and agree that Scripture is the final authority to our spiritual life. Ephesians 4:12-16, Exodus 34:6-8.
We understand that the church belongs to God and the church exists for His own glory. Christ is the head of the church and this
truth governs the church.
Though programs are good, the church doesn’t exist because of the programs but exists to proclaim the truth of the Bible. As earlier on stated that man is depraved, he cannot assume the headship of the church but recognize Christ as the head. If man becomes the center of the church, he will become a people pleaser as his primary goal. 1 Peter 2:2, 1 Corinthians 3:7, 12:21-26.
View of Leadership
The local church will be led by elders who must reflect the character of Christ and be an example to the members, thus they should be above reproach 1Tim.3:1-7. The work of leaders is to equip members for ministry, Ephesians 4:11-12. Leaders should also lead the local church into prayer. We view prayer as an indication of spiritual growth in ministry. Finally, a local church will not be led by one pastor but a plurality of pastors for proper accountability and effective leadership.
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